Gary Community School Corp - Gary, Indiana - Public School District
Phone - 219-881-5401
Gary Community School Corp School District
620 E 10th PLGary, IN 46402-2731
County: Lake
Mailing Address:
620 E 10th PL
Gary, IN 46402-2731
Gary, IN 46402-2731
Public Schools in This District
Aetna Elementary School
Alain L Locke Elementary School
Alfred Beckman Middle School
Arthur P Melton Elementary School
Bailly Middle School
Benjamin Banneker Elementary School
Benjamin Franklin Elementary School
Beveridge Elementary School
Brunswick Elementary School
Charles R Drew Elementary
Chase Alternative Middle School
Daniel Webster Elementary School
David O Duncan Elementary School
Dunbar-Pulaski Middle School
Emerson Vpa
Ernie Pyle Elementary School
Gary Career Center
George Washington Carver School
George Washington Elementary School
Horace Mann School
Horace S Norton Elementary School
Ivanhoe Elementary School
James Whitcomb Riley Elementary School
Jefferson Elementary School
John H Vohr Elementary School
Kennedy-King Middle School
Kuny Elementary School
Lew Wallace High School
Lincoln Achievement Center
Martin Luther King School Alt
Mary M Bethune Early Child Dev Ctr
Nobel Elementary School
Spaulding Elementary School
Theodore Roosevelt High School
Thomas A Edison School
Tolleston Middle School
West Side High School
William A Wirt SR High School
Alain L Locke Elementary School
Alfred Beckman Middle School
Arthur P Melton Elementary School
Bailly Middle School
Benjamin Banneker Elementary School
Benjamin Franklin Elementary School
Beveridge Elementary School
Brunswick Elementary School
Charles R Drew Elementary
Chase Alternative Middle School
Daniel Webster Elementary School
David O Duncan Elementary School
Dunbar-Pulaski Middle School
Emerson Vpa
Ernie Pyle Elementary School
Gary Career Center
George Washington Carver School
George Washington Elementary School
Horace Mann School
Horace S Norton Elementary School
Ivanhoe Elementary School
James Whitcomb Riley Elementary School
Jefferson Elementary School
John H Vohr Elementary School
Kennedy-King Middle School
Kuny Elementary School
Lew Wallace High School
Lincoln Achievement Center
Martin Luther King School Alt
Mary M Bethune Early Child Dev Ctr
Nobel Elementary School
Spaulding Elementary School
Theodore Roosevelt High School
Thomas A Edison School
Tolleston Middle School
West Side High School
William A Wirt SR High School
Gary Community School Corp School District Data
County of Location: | Lake |
Number of Schools in This District: | 35 |
Student/Teacher ratio: | 17.4 |
Total Students Pre Kindergarten - 12 Grade: | 17,381 |
Total Males: | 8,820 |
Total Females: | 8,556 |
American Indian Students: | 25 |
Asian/Pacific Islanders : | 37 |
African Americans: | 17,018 |
Hispanic: | 200 |
White: | 96 |
Total Staff: | 2,869 |
Fulltime Teachers: | 1,002 |
Ungraded Teachers: | 25 |
Pre Kindergarten Teachers: | 20 |
Kindergarten Teachers: | 56 |
Elementary Teachers: | 465 |
Secondary Teachers: | 437 |
Elementary Guidance Counselors: | 21 |
Secondary Guidance Counselors: | 35 |
Total Guidance Counselors: | 56 |
LEA Administrators: | 7 |
School Administrators: | 54 |
LEA Admin Support Staff: | 30 |
School Admin Support Staff: | 223 |
Student Support Services Staff: | 147 |
Other Support Staff: | 963 |
Library Media Support Staff: | 27 |
Librarians Media Specialists: | 37 |
Instructional Aides - Total: | 269 |
Instructional Coordinators: | 55 |