South Harrison Com Schools - Corydon, Indiana - Public School District

Phone - 812-738-2168
South Harrison Com Schools School District

Public Schools in This District

South Harrison Com Schools Reviews

From: glenda j hartman | submitted: Oct 16, 2012
I am extremely angry and upset over the drug screening process. Nicotine is not on many, many of the other districts and my grandson is going to miss everything he loves because he tested positive for tobacco. This is not illegal in our county,state,or country. Although I do uunderstand the hazzards of smoking, I do not understand why it is on a drug screen up there with meth(illegal)coc(illegal),pot (illegal)ETC. if all minors were tested today, I'd wager to say 1/2 the students would be positive. stomping it out. I am sure this is what your district wishes to accomplish, but the punishment does not fit the crime in our country at this time. when a senior who will soon be 18 looses his whole year over a chew, something is rotten in denmark. I have consulted with an attorney and will pursue this if the "child" wishes to do so. this is cureently very unfair. there should be a policy for tobacco which is far more specific and does not add it into a drug screen with these other horrible drugs. no child should be stripped of their highschool activity when tobacco is not illegal yet. There should be positive help for these kids. I know my grandson was addicted before he was ten due to my smoking and his whole family. I also know he was doing the chews to try to quit all together because he loved his school and football. now, however, what reason does he have to stop or to try to make the grade to graduate. you've stripped him of that. thank you glenda Hartman

South Harrison Com Schools School District Data
County of Location: Harrison
Number of Schools in This District: 9
Student/Teacher ratio: 17
Total Students Pre Kindergarten - 12 Grade: 3,185
Total Males: 1,639
Total Females: 1,546
American Indian Students: 2
Asian/Pacific Islanders : 14
African Americans: 10
Hispanic: 31
White: 3,128
Total Staff: 371
Fulltime Teachers: 188
Ungraded Teachers: 4
Pre Kindergarten Teachers: 1
Kindergarten Teachers: 11
Elementary Teachers: 89
Secondary Teachers: 83
Elementary Guidance Counselors: 4
Secondary Guidance Counselors: 4
Total Guidance Counselors: 8
LEA Administrators: 3
School Administrators: 10
LEA Admin Support Staff: 2
School Admin Support Staff: 21
Student Support Services Staff: 1
Other Support Staff: 73
Library Media Support Staff: 7
Librarians Media Specialists: 0
Instructional Aides - Total: 54
Instructional Coordinators: 6